lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Think before you share

          The other day I was trying to remember what life was like without internet social networks. About ten years ago, phone calls, text messaging or just in-person “meetups” were the only ways to get a hold of someone. Social networks have allowed us to get in touch with people we had lost contact with, and what is more, we have tightened relationships, met the friends of our friends and new people. Certainly, social networks have altered the way we communicate; we are only a click away from sharing our ideas, pictures, experiences and pretty much everything that comes up to our minds with the world. The greatest part about this new way of communicating is that you choose which social network you want to participate in[1], having a wide variety of social media tools to satisfy your needs. However, industry titans such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube lead people’s preferences.  

Everything sounds ideal so far. This morning, I was scrolling down my Facebook newsfeed and realized how far people can go when sharing a thought, a private picture or situations that can be misunderstood just to garner attention or impulsively due to a strong emotion, without considering the consequences their posts might bring. Most of the time, sharing is good but, if we are not thoughtful enough about what we share, we run the risk of hurting ourselves or someone else [2]. Whenever we share something about us or someone else, we have to keep in mind that it can be seen by people we did not want to, that it can be sent to people that are not in our friends list, reblogged, or used in an incorrect way against us.

Facebook and MediaSmarts suggest us to think before we share by asking ourselves the following questions:

  • Is this how I want people to see me?
  • Could somebody use this to hurt me?
  • Would I be upset if they shared it with others?
  • What’s the worst thing that could happen if I shared this?

Very wise words if we consider that people, in general, do not fix their privacy settings to control who can access their information. These two companies also suggest to avoid sharing things when we are feeling very emotional – whether we are sad, angry or really excited – advising us to calm down and decide if it really is a good idea. The decision is ours and the power is in our hands.

There are many things you have to be extremely careful about sharing. Phone numbers, your address or any kind of sensitive information that can risk yourself to experience a dangerous or painful situation. If you still feel a bit sceptical, you can check out this video!
Sometimes, best friends or couples share their passwords with each other when is all good, but unfortunately this can turn into a nightmare later. Sharing personal pictures, such as sexy or nude ones, it is not a real sign of trust. A picture can outlast a relationship and hurt you if used incorrectly. Remember that even if you delete that picture someone might have taken a screenshot! Never let the others pressure you to share something you do not feel comfortable with. You always have the right to say no!

Everyone makes mistakes and wrong choices but it is never late to make amends [3]. If you shared something you regret about, delete it, ask the others not to pass it on and give the proper explanations or apologies if required. However, you have to remember that the most effective way of preventing the divulgation of personal/sensitive information or pictures is thinking before you share. Also, if you participate actively in a social network, check your privacy settings so as to have the desired audience.